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Thank you Harrisonville Baptist Church in Hogansville GA.

Friday and Saturday, July 19 and 20th, 2024

Thank you Harrisonville Baptist Church in Hogansville for doing Vacation Bible School with our children here at the homeless shelter. We had loads of fun!

If you have a fun project you would like to do with us, please email us at: office@branchesofhopega.org. Please get involved today!

Join us at Branches of Hope and see what God can do!

Thank you Mr. Jimmy Lott from Cozzini Bros.

What a wonderful gift! Thank you Mr. Jimmy Lott from Cozzini Bros. for the wonderful knives. We will be using them often. 

We are always in need of various items around the house. Visit our needs page to see how you can contribute.

Thank you CBT Bank

Thursday, July 11th, 2024

Thank you Community Bank and Trust for the lovely chicken and rice dinner with salad. Compliments all around!

If you'd like to serve a dinner or do something special with our guests, please contact us at: office@branchesofhopega.org. We would love to hear from you.

THANKS for the plates, cups and bowls we asked for.

Branches of Hope and all of our residents want to sincerely thank everyone that donated the cups, bowls and plates we asked for. We asked and you gave. We cannot say thank you enough!

Visit our needs page to see how you can make a difference in the lives of the homeless.

Thank you Broad Street Church of Christ

Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Thank you to Broad Street Church of Christ for the lovely pizzas. We really enjoyed your company.

If you'd like to serve a dinner or do something special with our guests, please contact us at: office@branchesofhopega.org. We would love to hear from you.

Thank you First Baptist Hogansville

Monday, July 1st, 2024

Thank you Pst Greg and Mr Dollar for dropping off the washcloths and sugar. We appreciate you and your congregation very much. Hope to see you soon again.

Please look at our needs page to see what our residents need currently

Thank you Cali and Kathy for the movie night for the children

Saturday, June 29th, 2024

Thank you Cali and Kathy for a fun night for the children. They truly enjoyed the popcorn and movies.

If you'd like to do something special with our guests, please contact us at: office@branchesofhopega.org. We would love to hear from you.

Hollie's testimony.

My name is Hollie. I am 26 years old. My parents lost custody of me at birth due to their life controlling issues. I grew up in the foster system. By the age of 9, I had entered and left 13 different homes.

Due to my history, I found myself angry, and I struggled with every foster family I lived with. I entered and left 13 homes by the age of 9.

At 13, I came to LaGrange and lived in a group home, where they provided structure and a framework to succeed. I couldn’t wait to get out on my own and make a life for myself. I had no plans to have a family, as family was somewhat of a bad word in my experience.

I soon entered a relationship, and at the age of 20 had my first son. After his birth, I struggled with post-partum depression combined with all the trauma I had endured growing up. My anger drove me away from everyone and everything, so I ran. And, when you don’t deal with the issues that break your heart, you end up repeating the same thing, and two years later, had my second son.

I had no role models to help me know what is healthy and how to handle life, so I floundered for some time.

I woke up one day in January 2024 and realized that I needed to get out of the situation I was in with my two daughters. I was in a toxic and unhealthy relationship, and my children needed to see a healthy mom. I left that home and found a hotel, but quickly learned that it was much more expensive than I realized.

DFACS was then called, and my case worker told me that I could go to Branches of Hope with my children. I was pretty sure that was not going to happen, but one day as I scrolled Facebook, I ran across the Branches of Hope page. Today, I know that was God directing me, but then I surely questioned that!

I called and spoke to Brittany who assured me that it would be OK, and that they had a room where I could stay with my kids. It was a short time, and my children were taken from me. I needed some time to get myself together and start functioning like a healthy parent.

So, for 57 days, I worked my job, went to my counselor, saved my money, and began to apply the tools I was being given to help me become the woman I needed to be. While at Branches of Hope, I was appointed as an RA (Resident Advisor) over the women’s side of the facility. I got to start to give back a little where I was finally able to receive love for the first time.

God met me at Branches of Hope and gave me a family that I never expected. The staff has encouraged me, corrected me, helped me, and cheered me on. I cannot even tell you how much their support has meant to me over the past several months.

I am preparing to move out into an apartment with my children for the first time. I am becoming the woman I need to be to show my girls how to succeed. God has revealed His love to me through the people at Branches of Hope, and I would not be where I am today without them.

Thank you First United Methodist Church

Thursday, June 20th, 2024

Thank you for the incredible tacos, FUMC! Every plate was made with care. It was delicious!

If your church, civic group or company would like to serve a dinner to our guest one night of the month, we have a few slots open on our calendar. Contact us at: office@branchesofhopega.org. We would love to hear from you.

Thank you Community Bank and Trust!

Thursday, June 13th, 2024

We are thankful for Community Bank and Trust that comes to serve the guests at Branches of Hope one night a month.

If you'd like to serve a dinner or do something special with our guests, please contact us at: office@branchesofhopega.org. We would love to hear from you.

Thank you Mr. Darrel Davis for being our barber today.

Thursday, June 13th, 2024

In this heat we always appreciate a good haircut. Thank you Darryl for attending to the men's needs when you stop by. We appreciate you greatly!

Hopefully we'll see you soon again!

Advent Lutheran Corn Hole Tournament Donation

Sunday, May 14th, 2024

Thank you to the members of Advent Lutheran Church for the Corn Hole Tournament Fundraising donation. We appreciate your kind gift.

We appreciate you very much.

Tommy's testimony

Tommy came to us after falling on hard times. He settled in quickly and found a job at a local manufacturer working nightshift. Determined to get his life back, and he grew significantly in the next two months he stayed with us.

 "The Branches of Hope homeless shelter was so helpful for me. They gave me a nice place to stay until I got a job and saved my money. Now I got my own place. I am thankful for Branches of Hope. They saved my life. Thank y'all so much."

Mothers Day cards for the Moms

Saturday, May 11th, 2024

Thank you Trish for helping our little residents make Mother's Day cards for their moms. We appreciate the fun time being creative.

If you have a fun project you would like to do with us, please email us at: office@branchesofhopega.org. We would love for you to get involved also.

Thank you Lord for the bleach

Tuesday, May 14th, 2024

This week we were in dire need of cleaning supplies. The weekend was approaching and we had nothing left in the broom closet. We just prayed and Jesus provided. Today we received a few boxes of bleach through Feeding the Valley. We are thankful that the Lord always provides when we ask.

We thank God for His overwhelming grace in supplying when we've asked.

A new washing machine

Friday, May 10th, 2024

For the past weeks one of our old washing machines stoped working well enough to handle the non-stop washing through the night. We prayed and God answered!

We are thankful for everything the Lord provide for us.

Shoal Creek Taco Tuesday

Tuesday, April 30th, 2024

The most delicious tacos were provided by Shoal Creek Baptist. Thank you for serving our men and women.

Thank you, Shoal Creek for all you have done in the last while.
We appreciate you very much.

Thank you Kym's Bible study group

Thursday, April 25th, 2024

We asked for disposable cups and sugar and God provided. Thank you to the members at Kym's Bible study group for bringing just what we needed.

Thank you to all our donors that regularly bring donations when we ask. We appreciate you tremendously. Click here to see our current needs.

Courtney's testimony.

Last December my four children and I, ages 12, 9, 7, and 6 got kicked out of where we were staying. We had nowhere to go. We stayed in a hotel for a few days before going to the shelter. When we got to the shelter the workers made me and my children feel very welcome. They helped us in all types of ways. The workers were very helpful: they bought my babies Christmas presents when I had no clue what to get them, as I had no job. They also made little birthday cakes for them for their birthdays, which put a really big smile on my face, because it's that kindness of heart that makes the difference when you are homeless. During my stay there I grew. I found a job and started working. They helped me with my children they also helped by giving me a baby shower for my baby that is on the way. 

Everyone at Branches of Hope was nice to us and we love them as if they are family. I wouldn't change this experience at all. They were a very big blessing to us. I love Branches of Hope, and I would tell anyone if they are in need that there's a place that will help them get right. Thanks for everything, Mrs. Lisa, Mrs. Brittany, Mr. Bruer, and Mr. Desmond. Y'all are the best! LOVE YALL!

Thank you Community Bank and Trust

Thursday, April 12th, 2024

Thank you for the ladies from the Community Bank and Trust that came to serve the homeless last night. The enchiladas went down a treat. We are looking forward to seeing you again next month. 

If you would like to serve a meal once a month, please contact us: office@branchesofhopega.org to find out how you can get involved with feeding our homeless shelter. We would love to have you be a part of what we do.

Footcare with Freedom Baptist

Sunday, April 7th, 2024

Our residents walk far every day. Having sore feet is just part of the homeless life, but we are thankful for a few members from Freedom Baptist who came to attend to the needs of our residents this past Sunday. 

Thank you, Freedom for the foot care.

Thank you, Freedom for the foot care.

Broad Street Church of Christ brings dinner

Saturday, April 6th, 2024

Once a month we get a visit from the members of the Broad Street Church of Christ who  bings us a delicious dinner. 

Thanks Broad Street!

Dinner with 1st Pres LaGrange

Tuesday, April 2nd, 2024

This Tuesday we had a visit from a wonderful group of friends from 1st Presbyterian Church who came to serve us delicious baked chicken, green beans and macaroni and cheese. The best part was that they also brought us a table full of desserts to fill us up. And as always, Brittney made us the most delicious sweet tea to forget the ailments of a long hot day outside.

We are looking forward to seeing you again next month, 1st Presbyterian Church.

Thank you very much for the lovely food.

If you would like to serve a meal once a month, please contact us: office@branchesofhopega.org to find out how you can get involved with feeding our homeless shelter. We would love to have you be a part of what we do.

Shoal Creek Baptist helps paint our walls

Saturday, March 30th, 2024

On Saturday we had a great group of friends from Shoal Creek Baptist Church came out to help us finish painting the walls of our women's section. They started at 8AM and the job was completed by noon. The ladies and children are thankful to Shoal Creek for putting some fresh paint on the walls.

Thank you for your hard work, Shoal Creek.

Community Bank and Trust serves the homeless

Tuesday, March 26th, 2024

Some of the employees from Community Bank and Trust came to serve our residents on Tuesday evening. Thank you for participating in serving the homeless in our community.

Thank you for your generosity, Community Bank and Trust.

If your company, business or organization want to get involved in serving our homeless community, we would love to make contact with you: office@branchesofhopega.org. Find out how you can get involved today.

Dinner with First United Methodist LaGrange

Thursday, March 21st, 2024

We want to thank the members of First United Methodist Church for the delicious fried cubed steak, mashed potatoes, green beans, corn bread and cup cakes they brought tonight. The residents enjoyed the meal after a long day.

Thank you First United Methodist!

Encouraging letters from Baptist Tabernacle's AWANAs

Wednesday, March 20th, 2024

The residents at the homeless shelter want to thank our young visitors from Baptist Tabernacle's AWANA club for their kind "Jesus loves you" notes and for the delicious spaghetti. They came to visit us in a bus and asked us questions about homelessness.

Come visit us soon again!

Easter egg hunt with Shoal Creek Baptist

Saturday, March 18th, 2024

We want to thank the members of Shoal Creek Baptist Church who came out on Saturday to entertain the children at the homeless shelter with an Easter egg hunt and craft activities. We had lots of fun.

Thank you Shoal Creek Baptist!

Help from Upper Room Pentecostal Church

Saturday, March 9th, 2024

Oftentimes, we take for granted things like a warm meal or a place to lay our heads at night and feel safe. But there are people in our community who don’t have these things. For us to be able to provide people with a warm meal is just a small thing we can do to show them love and kindness and to be able to give back from the abundance God has blessed us with. This is the same love and kindness that Jesus shows us on a daily basis. It brings us joy to see them happy. This is a ministry to glorify God and give back what He has so generously given to us and in the process, hoping that someone will see their need for God. That's what it's all about. Loving God, loving people. And in order to love people, we have to lend a helping hand when needed. All thanks goes to Jesus for allowing us to serve in this way. To God be the glory! 


                             Upper Room Apostolic Church 

                                         Ladies Ministry 

Darryl's testimony

I came to Branches of Hope in December of 2023 after falling on hard times. This was my first time being homeless. I felt like there was no hope. My first night at the shelter, a staff member prepared some food for me. We talked, and he told me that there were good Christian people that would help get me back on my feet. I had no ID, no job, no money, and nothing to my name, but they said that didn't matter. They assured me that God loved me, and that they would help me through this tough time. And that's exactly what they did.

They helped me get the documents I needed. They also helped me to gain structure back in my life. When life falls apart, you must go back to the basics; do the small things, like getting up early in the morning, make your bed, create a plan for each day, and the week ahead. Doing chores daily like sweeping, mopping, washing dishes, and helping with cooking.  These small everyday tasks helped to add structure to my life.

With the help of brothers at Branches of Hope, I started working on my spiritual life.  I began a program called RU at a local church, and there I realized that I need to bring God back into my life. I had kept Him out far too long, and by making Him a regular part of my life, I would get back on my feet. The structure of the RU program and the staff accountability helped me gain hope and a future.

I also started attending church every Sunday, along with Sunday school. This was my missing link. Being homeless was the worst thing that ever happened to me, but it also woke me up and showed me the errors in my thinking, my behavior, and most importantly, my faith. I was baptized, so that I could testify that God has made me a new man. 

This has also brought so many wonderful people into my life like, Brittany, Bruer, Desmond, and Mike who are the staff at Branches of Hope, as well as, Ms. Lisa and Mr. Vann, who are the directors of the center.  Branches of Hope has played such a big role in my recovery and growth. I am and will be forever grateful for what I have gained here.

Freedom Baptist serving "the least of these"

Once a month some members from Freedom Baptist Church attends to the footcare needs our residents. If you would like to get involved by doing something fun with the residents, please contact us at: 706-883-7874. 

We would love to hear from you!